“Are you kidding me?”
“You can’t be serious?”
“That is disgusting. I could never do that.”
These are all quotes from families who have since changed their minds and in fact become converts in the benefits on placenta encapsulation.
Admittedly, I was one of those people too , before I started seeing the tremendous results my birth clients were experiencing after having their placentas encapsulated.
Preparing lemon and ginger for traditional Chinese method of steaming placenta.
“As a medical practitioner I felt that they may not work, but as a new mom I knew that they did. If I forgot to take them, I felt a dip in my emotions but when I took them I would feel much better soon after”
So what are the benefits and why should I consume it?
May increase milk supply due to prolactin present which encourages milk production.
Can help reduce postpartum bleeding
Encourages an easier transition into the 4th trimester by elevating your mood by balancing hormone fluctuations.
Oxytocin release helps the uterus return to normal size, reduces postpartum bleeding and encourages bonding with your baby.
Gives you increased energy levels due to restoration of iron levels in the blood.
The big one that mothers find helpful is that it can reduce postpartum depression and insomnia.
Please reach out if you are interested in learning more about the process and would like us to help you reap the benefits of placenta encapsulation.